Sara Young Jackson"Moot Court Banquet with Ed Meese," 1/31/81 (Pepperdine University Archives Photograph Collection)

Sara Young Jackson

Former first family

In 1972, Sara Young was the 20-year-old daughter of Pepperdine chancellor (and former president) M. Norvel Young. She attended sister-school David Lipscomb College in Nashville, Tennessee, but in March of that year she was home visiting her family at the Adamson House in Malibu. On a horseback ride, she was thrown from her "frisky pony," and rolled down an embankment, bruising her back.1

Today, Sara Young Jackson is herself the chancellor of Pepperdine, after holding a variety of roles at the university, where she founded both the Volunteer Center and the Boone Center for the Family.


  1. The Malibu Times, 3/17/72, p. 4 (Pepperdine University Archives)